Interview Education

The ‘look’, vocabulary/grammar, non-verbal communication (body language)

To fully prepare for a job interview there are some basics that must be in place. To optimize the opportunity there are three areas to examine. A candidate must LOOK the part (with appropriate attire and grooming). A candidate must be aware of their body language and the NON-VERBAL signals they are sending. A candidate must also have command of their SPEAKING SKILLS (vocabulary and grammar). Once these essentials are in place, you are ready to move to the next phase of preparation.

There are two, types of interviews. Being in front of an individual interviewer is different than being in front of a panel. It is important to strategize how to effectively navigate the differences between the style of interview.

What stage, or mode, of interview phase are you in? There is a difference between a screening interview, an initial interview, a follow-up interview, and a final interview. Some interviews are in person, some by phone, and some by Zoom. Some interviews are conducting while you are sitting down, and some are done while standing. Candidates need to take into consideration ALL aspects of what and how they will be presenting themselves. There are subtle differences in how you must navigate these different scenarios. 

Nerves can be a qualified candidate’s kryptonite. We all get nervous in certain scenarios.  Nerves are a natural response to the unknown. It’s learning how to work through your nervousness that makes the difference. We can give you the tools to help you control your nerves and work through them in an interview situation.

Finally, have you done your homework for your interview? What things are crucial to do before you get in the interview room? At Phil Kimmi Consulting we will give you the key items to prepare prior to the actual interview.