A friend recently advised me to relax and “stay in the moment”. I had to stop and think about that. Perhaps sometimes I do get distracted and don’t stay in the here and now. As I work with clients, I often hear comments and stories that reflect this same theme.
Have you ever been nervous in an interview and have no recall of what was asked or what you said? Have you been conducting research on a position/company you’re applying for and an hour later you have no recall of what you’ve read?
One of the main elements of being present in an interview is preparation! It is important to understand how your background and experiences relate to the job for which you are applying. Memorizing and preparing answers in advance of an interview is NOT the answer. It is essential that when you answer questions and engage in conversation, your responses directly connect to the details of the job that you are applying for. Being present means you approach each interview prepared, confident, and focused on what you bring to the role.
Being present means you are paying full attention to your present situation instead of letting your mind wander elsewhere. Some benefits of being in the moment include:
- Improved ability to focus
- Stress reduction
- Anxiety management
- Full focus on tasks
- Enhanced relationships
Being present is a skill that you can continually develop. Some believe you should build in “solitude” time each day. The balance between work and play is important. Here are some powerful practices to help you live in the moment:
- Breathing exercises
- Daily Meditation
- Journaling
- Mind-Body exercises
- Creating time for meaningful breaks
Living in the moment is about being present in the here and now. Learn how to focus, take control of the moment, and put your best foot forward! Phil Kimmi Consulting can assist you with these developmental skills.
By Phil Kimmi | Posted in General, Interview Coach, Interview Education