When is the Best Time to Hire an Interview Coach?

There are many, different Interview training services in the market today. Selecting a consulting style, or personality, that you are comfortable with is the best place to start. These services range from individual coaches to companies that employ numerous employment consultants.  You can meet with potential coaches and choose a mentor based on your comfort level. Most agree that the best time to hire an interview consultant is before you have an interview lined up!

I have found that most of my clients are uncomfortable with the interview process because they lack experience in a formal interview setting (either in-person or remotely). Because of this, many candidates lack confidence in facing job interviews. Working with an interview coach provides the outlet to discuss and learn effective strategies to make the process less intimidating. Participating in a mock interview(s)is one way that a candidate can approach interviews calmly and even with enthusiasm.

Although I do not recommend practicing answers, I help my clients outline some key communication points for common questions and situations. More importantly, I help my clients gain confidence in their own abilities and unique personality. Over-rehearsing can cause an insincere, “canned” response style that can be a real turn-off to interviewers.  Working with a coach helps clients learn to trust their gut, stay in the moment, and respond sincerely and calmly, even under stress. 

Here are some situations when job seekers will choose to work with a coach:

  • They were unaware or unprepared for different kinds of interviews.
  • They left an interview knowing they could have done better.
  • They have difficulty articulating their opinions.
  • They lack a clear vision of how to ‘sell’ themselves in an interview.
  • They have been getting interviews, but not advancing in the hiring process.

The process of working with an interview coach is complex. One success formula does not apply to everyone. It is important to seek a coaching service that can customize a program that fits your specific needs. Happy hunting!

By Phil Kimmi | Posted in ,