
Pre-Interview Preparation

October 23, 2022

Pre-Interview Preparation You know the things you should do to prepare for an interview, but do you actually do them? Knowledge is power. Mental preparation can equate to peace of mind once you are under stress during the interview. Here are some tips from the pros: *Position / Title Review the position and title and…

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The Art of the Handshake

September 23, 2022

Why does a handshake matter so much? Research suggests that within the first seven seconds of meeting someone, you will have made an impression. And that first impression may be always linked with your handshake. A handshake can be a dealmaker OR a deal breaker. You are not alone if you have sometimes felt awkward…

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How Can Emotional Intelligence Skills Help When Interviewing?

August 23, 2022

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is having an awareness of your feelings and the actions that go along with them. It is often defined as the “ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions.” Why is emotional intelligence important in a job interview? Because many employers believe that it is a key indicator of leadership performance…

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When is the Best Time to Hire an Interview Coach?

July 23, 2022

There are many, different Interview training services in the market today. Selecting a consulting style, or personality, that you are comfortable with is the best place to start. These services range from individual coaches to companies that employ numerous employment consultants.  You can meet with potential coaches and choose a mentor based on your comfort…

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